Saturday, November 30, 2013

PetSafe Busy Buddy Kibble Nibble

Brand: PetSafe
Product: Busy Buddy Kibble Nibble
Size: Small (suitable dogs up to 20lbs)
Color: Blue translucent
Availability: available

I had two food dispensing toys as a puppy, and used them consistently as I was a finicky eater and did not want to eat out of an ordinary food bowl. Now, I eat everything from any bowl and do not 'need' these toys for eating purpose. However, I sometimes get to play with them especially when my people feel I still have too much energy left at night.

My people added this food dispensing toy recently in my collection. It is called PetSafe Busy Buddy Kibble Nibble. It is similar to OurPets Smart IQ Ball: you roll it over and your kibbles or treats come out of the openings of the toy. However, because of its egg shaped body, it rolls differently from IQ Ball.

This is how it originally came. When you look for it in stores, it should look like this. 

Like OurPets Smart IQ Treat Ball and KONG Wobbler, this toy comes apart into two pieces.

After the tags were removed.

This is how the top piece and the bottom piece look like.

The bottom piece is about 3.5 inches diameter.

And the top piece is about 4 inches. Top piece screws on to the bottom, and it is naturally slightly larger.

There are two dispensing holes: one on the top of the top piece, and the other on the bottom of the bottom piece. They are about the same size, and one inch diameter.

It has rubber bumpers to protect the toy itself and your floor. It still makes a lot of noise because this toy is made of hard plastic, but these bumpers seem to help at least a little.

You probably have noticed these pictures of dogs playing with this toy. These stickers are attached to the toy. There are three of them. These dogs are all different breeds and different sizes. The company probably wants to promote that this toy can be enjoyed by any dogs in all sizes and ages. 

Although they are all cute, my people peeled them off for easy cleaning.

Now, let's look at these labels. These two labels used to be one piece: the bottom one was inserted in the toy, which was attached to the top one.

This is the back of the top label.

Your people can cut one of the rubber things at the opening if your treats are not dispensing easily. My people did not think that was necessary, and I played it as is when this toy was given to me for the first time.

This is my dinner. A half cup of kibbles.

When I started rolling over this toy, my people realized that the opening was not big enough for the size of my kibbles.

I think my kibbles are in an average size, but there was no way they could come out of this opening.

So, my people decided to cut one of the 'Treat Meter' prongs. It was rather difficult to cut this prong because my people did not have a pair of tiny scissors. After this was done, kibbles came out more easily.

As for the dubber bumpers, it is easy to make decorations to them. I did not chew on the toy, but I made quite a few teeth marks here and there while I was trying to get my kibbles out.

Now, size comparison of all three food dispensing toys I have.

And, of course, video demonstration follows. Enjoy!


These three food dispensing toys are all different, and they are fun. My favorite? It depends. If I my people feel I have energy to burn, they would choose OurPets Smart IQ Ball. If they feel they want to give me some fun while I eat, they would offer me KONG Wobbler. I guess Busy Buddy Kibble Nibble is sort of in between.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Nina Ottosson DogBrick Plastic

Brand: Nina Ottosson
Product: DogBrick Plastic
Size: 16 inches x 11.5 inches (approximate)
Color: White, cream, and brown
Availability: available

This is a recent addition to my 'does not stay in my toy bucket' toy collection. I can play with the toys that are in my toy bucket anytime, but there are a few toys my people keep in a special place where I cannot sniff. So, when they come out of the closet, I get very excited.

This is Nina Ottosson's DogBrick. This toy is not brand new any more, but my people kept the box and put it back in so you can see how it originally came.

This is the back of the box. It has quite a bit of information.

This picture with three dogs shows that this toy can be enjoyed by any age dogs and any size dogs. I agree. If you are a very young dog and love to chew plastic, you may want to play with this toy when your people are around.

This picture on the bottom of the box shows the 'Skill Level'. This toy is 'Medium', and it is not very easy, but it is not very difficult. I agree. I could figure out how it works on the very first day I tired it.

Let's see what's in the box. The puzzle toy, a booklet, and a DVD.

The booklet and DVD explain all puzzle toys the company offers.

So, this is the puzzle. It is made of plastic. It is not shiny hard plastic, and has a little bit of grainy texture. This makes grabbing easier for us, especially to grab the white bone shaped pieces with our teeth. 

This toy has two different types of compartments where your people can put kibbles or treats for you. The first one is the middle row and these four compartments are hidden under the white bone shaped pieces.

This space is quite big.

The second compartments are under these brown pieces. It is like a sliding door, and you slide these to reach there. It has small space underneath, and your people can hide your treats here as well. However, this space is not that big or deep, so your big dog biscuit would not fit.

The bottom side of the puzzle.

There are six rubber things so the toy does not keep sliding on the smooth surface.

The white bone shaped 'cap' has a hole so we can sniff the goodies underneath.

The reverse side of the bone.

 This puzzle is pretty big, but you work on one compartment at a time, and it is perfect size for me.

About 16 inches x 11.5 inches. 

 This is how the white bone sits in the compartment.

The brown sliding lids have bone shaped 'handle', which makes it easier to open. I usually use my nose and mouth to play with this toy, and these handles work very well.

Since this toy is made of plastic, cleaning is very easy. After I finish playing, my people wash it using regular dish soap. When it is dried for a while, it looks as new!

Now, watch me play with this toy!


This video was filmed at about the fifth time I played with this toy. The very first time I played with this puzzle, my people did not use the white bone shaped caps. I just had to learn to slide open these brown lids.  I got it right away. The next time, my people added the white bones. I could smell my kibbles below, and it was no problem for me to learn how to remove them. I also learned the order of things: first you need to remove the white bones in order to slide brown lids.

Although this toy requires 'Medium' skill level, I think most of you can figure it out pretty easily. And, it is fun to play. I recommend this puzzle to my fellow pooches!.

* By the way, the reason why I sat after the first release command was because I thought I heard something different. That was why my people had to say the second 'ok'. My people sometimes say words close sounding but different to make sure I know the word correctly.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

JW Pet Crackle Heads Ball

Brand: JW Pets
Product: Crackle Heads Ball
Size: 'Small' (6 inches) and 'Medium' (8 inches): they also come in 'Large' (13 inches)
Color: Pink, Blue, and Lime Green
Availability: available

I love playing fetch with my people, and we use various toys for that. We use tennis balls and small plush toys, but my favorite one is this Crackle Heads Ball.

Do you know Hol-ee toys also by JWPets? They are honeycomb, web designed tough rubber balls.
I have this pink rugby ball shaped one I received from my breeder. It looks like this, and it is also a fun toy to play fetch with because you never know how it would bounce.

Crackle Heads Ball has a ball made from water bottle material inside the Hol-ee ball, and when you bite on it, it crackles!

I have Crackle Heads Balls in two different sizes. First, I got a small one, and since I liked it so much, my people got me a little larger one (Medium) as well. Size wise, I prefer 'Small', because it is easier for me to pick it up and carry. Besides, when I catch the ball (you will see in the video below), small one fits nicely in my mouth. 

After playing with them for a while, the plastic balls inside eventually got flat and they do not make interesting noises any more. I still play with them, but it was a lot more fun when they were new. Since the flattened plastic has sharp edges and I could injure myself accidentally, my people are thinking of taking the plastic pieces out of the ball. This blue piece of plastic used to fill this ball.

Size does not seem to matter. I managed to shrink the pink plastic part like this. 

As you saw the blue one in the second photo above, I have a new Crackle Heads Ball! This is size 'Small', and it makes the strange noises again!

This is the tag that came with.

And the back.

It also came with a little 'booklet'.

 It explains what Crackle Heads are.

Back of the 'booklet'. Now, you learned something?

Now, watch me play with this toy!


The ball itself is made with strong rubber, however, the plastic part does not last long, unfortunately. If you like water bottles like myself, I am sure you will like it at least until the plastic part stop making noise. Even so, this is a fun toy for me, and this is one of my favorite toys to play fetch with!