Saturday, October 12, 2013


Brand: KONG
Product: KONG Classic
Size: M (3.5 inches tall: suitable for dogs between 15-35lbs)
Color: Red
Availability: available

Brand: KONG
Product: KONG Wobbler
Size: Small (6 inches tall x 4 inches wide: suitable for dogs up to 25lbs)
Color: Red
Availability: available

Do you have a KONG or two in your toy box? I do! I have a red one (Classic KONG) that I inherited from Sachi. KONG is an extremely versatile toy and you can play in so many different ways. I am sure my fellow pooches love it as much as I do!

This is me with my KONG when I was three months old (September, 2012). I liked chewing on it especially when I was teething.  

Still now, KONG is one of my favorite toys. I chew on it, chase after it, bonce it, roll around with it, play fetch with my people, and sometimes I find treats inside!
I found a stick raw hide chew treat in my KONG. Wait until my people say ‘ok’.

And, I get it!

KONG Wobbler is a KONG shaped treat dispensing toy. They come in two sizes; small and large. I have a small one (6 inches tall x 4 inches wide: suitable for dogs up to 25lbs). However, it is much larger than my red KONG (size medium: 3.5 inches tall). My KONG looks tiny, doesn’t it? 

Wobbler has two parts: the top part screws on to the bottom. There is a small opening on the front side of the top piece for dispensing of treats. The bottom part is heavy: sounds like some sand or something in it when you shake it. When the top part is screwed on to the bottom piece, it wobbles! 

The diameter of the base unit is 3.5 inches. 

My people hold the top part upside down, put kibbles in it, and screws the bottom part as a lid.

Now I will show you how I use it. 

I have to work quite hard physically and mentally in order to get what is in it, and it takes much longer to finish my meals this way.

This was the first treat dispensing toy I got as a puppy. Now, I finish everything that is in my food bowl, but when I was small, I was kind of a finicky eater. My people worried about me because I had a lot of growing to do, and thought I would eat better if eating was combined with playing, which, of course, I loved as puppy. 

This was me when I was introduced Wobbler for the first time. I was afraid of it because it moved strange, and did not know what to do with it. My people showed my how to play with it, but I was not sure if I wanted to try. So, I looked at my people to see if they could help me.

Then, I looked at Wobbler to see if it does something by itself.   

Eventually, I figured it out and now I enjoy playing with it quite a bit.  

KONG is a rubber toy, but KONG Wobbler is made of 'FDA food-approved, high-strength, plastic polymer'. I do not really know what it means, but it feels hard plastic to me. I like chewing on plastic things, and I managed to make some decorations to my Wobbler as well. I used my sharp puppy teeth!

This toy does not stay in my toy bucket. After I finish playing with it, my people wash it and store it somewhere I cannot sniff. 

I like this toy quite a bit. I think it is particularly beneficial for dogs who eat their meals way too fast. Would I recommend this to my fellow pooches? Yes, I do! I am sure you will have fun with it.


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